Bird watching sariska national park

While Sariska National Park is primarily known for its tigers and other wildlife, it also offers birdwatching opportunities. The park and its surrounding areas are home to a diverse range of bird species. Here are some popular birds you may spot while birdwatching in Sariska National Park:

Peafowl: The Indian peafowl, with its vibrant plumage and distinctive calls, is a common sight in Sariska National Park. Keep an eye out for their beautiful displays and graceful movements.

Indian Rollers: These stunning birds with striking blue feathers can be spotted perched on tree branches or in flight. Look for them along the forest edges and open areas.

Jungle Owlet: Keep an ear out for the distinct hooting sounds of the jungle owlet. These small, nocturnal birds can be found in the park's wooded areas.

peafowl sariska
bird watching sariska

Indian Eagle-Owls: With their large size and powerful presence, Indian eagle-owls are a thrilling sighting. They are known to inhabit the rocky regions of Sariska National Park.

Golden-Backed Woodpecker: Watch for the vibrant plumage of the golden-backed woodpecker as it hammers away at tree trunks in search of insects.

Crested Serpent Eagle: Scan the treetops for the majestic crested serpent eagle. These raptors can often be seen perched high up, scanning the surroundings for prey.

White-Bellied Drongo: Look for the white-bellied drongo, a black bird with distinctive forked tails, as it flits and swoops through the foliage, catching insects on the wing.

Grey-Headed Canary-Flycatcher: This small, colorful bird with a melodious call can be found in the forested areas of Sariska National Park. Listen for its sweet song.