Accommodation Options in Sariska

There are several types of accommodation options available in Sariska National Park. These include:

Resorts and Hotels Sariska

There are various luxury and budget resorts and hotels located in and around Sariska National Park. These offer comfortable and well-equipped rooms, along with amenities such as restaurants, swimming pools, and spa facilities.

Resorts and Hotels Sariska

Forest Rest Houses Sariska

Managed by the Rajasthan Forest Department, Sariska National Park offers accommodation in forest rest houses. These rest houses are located within the park premises and provide a more rustic experience, offering basic amenities and close proximity to the wildlife.

Jungle Camps Sariska

Some operators offer jungle camps within or near the national park. These camps provide a more adventurous and close-to-nature experience, with tented accommodations amidst the wilderness. These camps often include wildlife safaris, bonfire evenings, and other outdoor activities.

rtdc sariska

Home stays Sariska

In nearby villages, there are homestays available where tourists can stay with local families. This allows visitors to experience the local culture and traditions while enjoying their stay in Sariska.

Guesthouses and Cottages Sariska

There are also guesthouses and cottages available for rent in and around Sariska National Park. These offer a more private and secluded stay experience, with self-catering facilities and serene surroundings.

It is advisable to make reservations in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to ensure availability of the preferred accommodation option.